Produse pentru ulei de ficat cod 7 capsule de mare (73)

Colagen de pește în capsule 60 capsule

Colagen de pește în capsule 60 capsule

Fish collagen in capsules is a product obtained from white tołpyga leather - freshwater fish, feeding on plankton and fine vegetable food. This fish is caught from controlled water reservoirs under veterinary control. It is constantly ensured by the minimum of water pollution with heavy metals. Kolagen is a long -chain amino acid and the most abundant protein in the human body. It is a large part of the skin, hair and nails. It is used in the case of joint pain and osteoarthritis, in movement organs such as tendons. It affects cartilage regeneration, wound healing, strengthens the skin, hair and nails. Capsules - 340 mg </strong> & nbsp; <strong> use </strong> 2-4 capsules per day (in the morning or evening) sipping with a lot of water. The recommended time to take the preparation is 3 months. The product cannot be used by people allergic to any of its ingredients. Remember that only a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet ensure the proper functioning of the body and maintaining good
Capsule cu ulei de in Omega-3-6-9 - Capsule și tablete

Capsule cu ulei de in Omega-3-6-9 - Capsule și tablete

Linseed oil is made from the ripe seeds of the flax plant (Linum usitatissimum) by gentle cold-pressing. Linseed oil consists of approximately 90% of unsaturated fatty acids, at what the essential omega-3-fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) represents a high proportion. Also, the precious essential omega-6-fatty acid linoleic acid is contained in linseed oil. The perfect supplement to a sensible lifestyle and cholesterol-conscious diet Each capsule contains 500 mg of pure certified organic linseed oil. Recommended daily dose: 8 capsules Art. No.:196
QLife Pro-Free - Supliment alimentar

QLife Pro-Free - Supliment alimentar

QLife Pro-Free is a food supplement formulated from plant extracts, enriched with antioxidant (zinc) that contributes to normal fertility and reproduction and the maintenance of normal testosterone levels. Reference:21718
Ulei de măsline extravirgin - Monocultivar Coratina

Ulei de măsline extravirgin - Monocultivar Coratina

The 100% extra virgin olive oil from Coratina olives best expresses all the strength and character of a land naturally suited to olive cultivation. Not many words are needed to describe this oil that envelops with an intense aroma, amazes with bitter and spicy notes and enhances all the tastiest dishes of the Mediterranean tradition.


Quest’olio Extra Vergine dal gusto gradevole e armonioso, nasce dalla nostra passione centenaria per la qualità. Selezioniamo con impegno gli oli migliori per garantire il successo dei vostri piatti in cucina. Vi ricordiamo che l’olio extra vergine di oliva è un condimento sano e naturalmente che conserva al meglio le sue caratteristiche se consumato crudo. CONFEZIONE DA 4 PZ=1 PZ EURO 37,00 1 PALLET 44 CONFEZIONI SCADENZA 29/08/2025 MINIMO D'ORDINE 10 PALLET
Ulei de măsline extra virgin 1lt sticlă marasca

Ulei de măsline extra virgin 1lt sticlă marasca

Perfectly in accordance to Mediterranean diet. Unleash the magic and turn every meal into a masterpiece with our Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Elevate your dining experience with the embodiment of sophistication – it's more than oil, it's a symphony of taste sensations.
Oliba ulei de măsline extravirgin cu polifenoli ecologici 2L

Oliba ulei de măsline extravirgin cu polifenoli ecologici 2L

Polifenolak dituen oliba-olio birjina estra bat da, oliba-olio birjina estra konbentzionalak baino 10 aldiz antioxidatzaile gehiago ematen dituena. Gure olioa olibaetatik zuzenean lortu da, prozedura mekaniko eta hotzeko erauzketaren bidez, iragazi gabe eta dekantazio natural zainduarekin goi-mailako polifenolak ez hondatzeko, Arroniz barietateko olibatik eta heltze une zehatzean zuzenean lortzen da. Bere heltze-egoerarik handiena lortu gabe, usain eta zapore guztiak bere horretan mantentzeko, eta prozedura mekanikoen eta hotz ehotzearen bidez. Iragazi gabe eta dekantazio prozesu natural zaindu baten bidez Arroniz barietateari esker, oliba-polifenolek, hala nola hidroxitirosolak eta oleuropeinak, endekapenezko hainbat patologiaren intzidentzia murrizten laguntzen dute. Odoleko lipidoak estres oxidatibotik babestuz. 159 mg/kg, Oleuropeina 94,1 mg/kg, Tirosol 81,9 mg/kg, Oleocanthal 141 mg/kg. Gordinik kontsumitu
Ulei de Măsline Extra Virgin din Măsline Picual Selecție CD, Recolta

Ulei de Măsline Extra Virgin din Măsline Picual Selecție CD, Recolta

Práctica y económica presentación para su AOVE de uso diario en la cocina. Es nuestro PICUAL virgen extra con la misma calidad de la botella de cristal, pero más económico.
Ulei de măsline extravirgin Quadro 1 L - Ulei italian - extracție la rece

Ulei de măsline extravirgin Quadro 1 L - Ulei italian - extracție la rece

Il Quadro – our filtered extra virgin olive oil: excellent for all seasoning and cooking needs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Italian Oil – Cold extracted Calvi “Quadro” Extra Virgin Olive Oil is our filtered extra virgin olive oil, always delicate, as is characteristic of the entire Calvi range. The color is warm yellow, sometimes slightly tinged with green. This product is also available in a 3 liter can. Product label In the 'Attachments' you will find the label with the nutritional data and other information about the product. code:Q 1
Măsline verzi organice naturale tăiate

Măsline verzi organice naturale tăiate

Organic Natural Slit Green Olives Kilojoules (kJ and kcal):176 kj Calorie:42 kcal Protein (g):0.3 g Carbohydrate (g):1.11 g Sugar (g):0.16 g Fat (g):4,44 g Saturated Fat (g):0,588 g Unsaturated Fat (g):0,379 g Polyunsaturated Fat (g):0,379 g Cholesterol (g):0 Fiber (g):1 Sodium (g):412 mg Potasyium (g):12 mg
KYOLIC® CoQ10, capsule (Formula 110) - Suplimente Alimentare

KYOLIC® CoQ10, capsule (Formula 110) - Suplimente Alimentare

The product contains coenzyme Q10 and an extract from aged, organically grown garlic treated with a special process to remove unpleasant odors. Aged garlic helps maintain healthy heart, blood vessel function and normal blood cholesterol and fat levels. Filled and sold by: Galex d.o.o., Tišinska ulica 29g, 9000 Murska Sobota. Produced by: Wakunaga of America CO., LTD, 23501 Madero, MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691 U.S.A. SKU:611193 Net Quantity:60
Semințe de Struguri / Capsule OPC (OPC60)

Semințe de Struguri / Capsule OPC (OPC60)

hochwirksames Antioxidans aus Traubenkernextrakt, Schutz vor Lipidoxidation, Schutz vor Artheriosklerose, Antiinflammatorisch, Hautschutz, enthält natürliches Resveratrol aus Traubenschalen und natürliches Vitamin C aus Acerolakirschen. Studien zu Traubenkernextrakt vorhanden Inhaltsstoffe pro Kapsel: 110 mg OPC, 60 mg Vitamin C Verzehrsempfehlung: 1 Kapsel / Tag Verpackungseinheit: Dose á 60 Kapseln
Supliment Omega 3 Puori O3 120 Capsule

Supliment Omega 3 Puori O3 120 Capsule

Puori O3 Omega 3 Omega 3 lange keten vetzuren zijn een essentieel onderdeel van ieder dieet omdat het lichaam zelf deze vetzuren niet aanmaakt volgens het voedingscentrum . Omdat ons voedingspatroon de afgelopen decennia drastisch veranderd is, krijgen sommigen er tegenwoordig helaas vaak te weinig van binnen. Puori O3 is getest en gecertificeerd op puurheid en kwaliteit door het onafhankelijke laboratorium IFOS (International Fish Oil Standards) en is beloond met 5 van de 5 sterren. Deze onderscheiding garandeert o.a. de puurheid, de minimale concentratie van 74% en de duurzaamheid van het productieproces.
Ulei de ficat de cod Măr - Suplimente alimentare

Ulei de ficat de cod Măr - Suplimente alimentare

HUILE DE FOIE DE MORUE AROMATISÉE A LA POMME DU MARÉCHAL Produit naturel utilisé en supplément nutritionnel pour les animaux, contenant des alcaloïdes qui excitent le système nerveux et stimulent l’appétit. Egalement bénéfique pour la croissance et la reproduction par son apport d’acides gras essentiels (polyinsaturés). => Son arôme pomme facilite son utilisation et son absorption MODE D'EMPLOI : • Conserver dans un lieu tempéré • En mélange avec la nourriture habituelle : • Chevaux adultes : 3 à 4 cuillères à soupe par jour / 20 ml du verre doseur par jour • Poneys, Poulains : 2 à 3 cuillères à soupe par jour / 20 ml du verre doseur par jour COMPOSITION : Huile de foie de morue blonde filtrée aromatisée à la pomme • Constituants analytiques : Matières grasses brutes : 100 % •Additifs : Vitamines : • Vitamine A : 500 000 Ul/ kg • Vitamine D3 : 50 000 Ul/ kg • Vitamine E : 100 Ul/ kg
Ulei de măsline 1L Extra Virgin - 6194017410120 - Uleiuri și Oțeturi

Ulei de măsline 1L Extra Virgin - 6194017410120 - Uleiuri și Oțeturi

Huile D'olive 1L Vierge - 6194017410120 - Huiles et Vinaigres Colisage colis:6 UVC Colisage pallette:100 Colis Type produit:huile vierge


Angrosist HUNTER Ulei de Somon

Angrosist HUNTER Ulei de Somon

Huile de saumon qualité supérieur. Made in Germany.
ALPiNOFit Omega-3 vegan pe bază de alge

ALPiNOFit Omega-3 vegan pe bază de alge

Hochwertiges Omega-3 Algenöl mit Laborgeprüfte Omega-3 Fettsäuren pro Kapsel, davon mindestens 250 mg DHA und 125 mg EPA Keine Rückstände von Umweltgiften wie er in Fischölen vorkommt und die erst in aufwendigen Reinigungsschritten entfernen werden müssen Komplett VEGAN, auch die Kapselhülle Ein weiterer Vorteil von Omega-3 auf Algenbasis ist, dass es keinen Nachgeschmack nach Fisch gibt. Das OMEGA-3 stammt aus Algen und damit direkt von der Quelle und nicht erst über den Fisch Vegan: kein Fischöl Inhalt: 30 Stück
Capsule de Trifoi Roșu cu Dong Quai - Supliment Dietetic

Capsule de Trifoi Roșu cu Dong Quai - Supliment Dietetic

Beim natürlichen Auf und Ab der Wechseljahre. Isoflavone sind bestimmte sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe, für die der einheimische Rotklee (Trifolium pratense) eine hochwertige Quelle ist. Sinnvoll ergänzt werden die Eigenschaften des Rotklees mit der chinesischen Engelwurz Dong Quai. Die pflanzliche Alternative bei normalen, aber lästigen Schwankungen der Wechseljahre Zutaten pro Kapsel: Rotklee - Extrakt (240 mg), Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (Kapselhülle), Dong-Quai-Pulver (40mg),Füllstoff: Maltodextrin, Vitamin B6 (2mg), Trennmittel: Magnesiumstearat.(V/V) Dosierung: 3 x täglich 1 Kapsel
LIPRO - Ulei de Somon cu Aromă de Lămâie - Sticlă de Sticlă

LIPRO - Ulei de Somon cu Aromă de Lămâie - Sticlă de Sticlă

Lachsoel mit Zitronen - Aroma Glasflaschen 250 ml = 228.375 mg Gesundheit aus dem Meer. Weltweite Studien der unterschiedlichsten Institutionen ergaben viele positive Ansatzpunkte zur gezielten Aufnahme von Omega-3-Fettsäuren in Ergänzung zur täglichen Ernährung. Art.Nr.: 6010
Omega 3 – 1000 mg 150 perle - ACIZI GRASI ESENȚIALI

Omega 3 – 1000 mg 150 perle - ACIZI GRASI ESENȚIALI

COMPLEMENTO ALIMENTICIO A BASE DE ACEITE DE PESCADO RICO EN ÁCIDOS GRASOS POLIINSATURADOS Presentación:150 perlas Composición:Aceite de PESCADO 18EPA/12DHA, agente de recubrimiento (gelatina y glicerina) Modo de empleo:Tomar 1 perla, 3 veces al día Dosis diaria recomendada:3 perlas
Capsule Omega 3 Premium Islanda 500 mg Nr. 60 - Capsule Omega 3 Premium Islanda 500 mg Nr. 60, de la 1,9 EUR pe unitate

Capsule Omega 3 Premium Islanda 500 mg Nr. 60 - Capsule Omega 3 Premium Islanda 500 mg Nr. 60, de la 1,9 EUR pe unitate

Omega 3 Premium Fish Oil, 500 mg capsules No. 60 Fish oil, Iceland, contains at least 55% Omega 3 fatty acids: 33% EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) 22% DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) PREMIUM Iceland fish oil with an ideal composition of fatty acids and impeccable quality. It is the composition of polyunsaturated acids and purity that affect the beneficial properties of this product.Fish oil is a means of preventing many serious diseases, such as heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis. Fish oil strengthens the immune system, improves brain function, helps to cope with stress and get rid of depression. This supplement is indispensable for the growth and development of children. * This product may be manufactured under Trade mark of customer. More detail information
ulei de pește

ulei de pește

Apprécié pour ses bienfaits pour la santé, grâce à ses acides gras essentiels Oméga 3 (EPA et DHA). Il est utilisé en aquaculture et pour la consommation humaine sous forme de gélules comme complément pour la santé humaine.


Food supplement for hypercholesterolemia, high blood triglycerides, hypertension. Recovers the immune system of individuals with cancer. It favors the health of the system Nervous and strengthens the immune system. Help to prevent inflammatory diseases like the disease of Crohn's, and autoimmune diseases like lupus. Relieves premenstrual syndrome. Improves skin dryness and peeling. FOOD SUPPLEMENTS MANUFACTURERS SINCE 1983 Produced in a E.U. certificated laboratory. ISO 9001. Quality management certification.
Capsule Omega 3: Alimentație Sănătoasă cu Acizi Grași Omega 3

Capsule Omega 3: Alimentație Sănătoasă cu Acizi Grași Omega 3

OMEO-PLUS Algen Omega 3 ist reich an essentiellen Omega-3-Fettsäure DHA und EPA. DHA trägt zur Erhaltung einer normalen Gehirnfunktion sowie zum Erhalt normaler Sehkraft bei. Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit pflanzlichem Algen Omega 3. 60 Kapseln mit vegetarischer Kapselhülle OMEO-PLUS Algen Omega 3 ist reich an essentiellen Omega-3-Fettsäure DHA und EPA. DHA trägt zur Erhaltung einer normalen Gehirnfunktion sowie zum Erhalt normaler Sehkraft bei. EPA und DHA tragen zur normalen Herzfunktion bei. Verzehrempfehlung 2 Kapseln zur Nahrungsergänzung mit reichlich Wasser (wir empfehlen mind. 0,2 l stilles Wasser) einnehmen. Vorzugsweise eine halbe Stunde vor den Mahlzeiten. Die angegebene empfohlene tägliche Verzehrmenge darf nicht überschritten werden. Achten Sie auf eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung und gesunde Lebensweise. Außerhalb der Reichweite von kleinen Kindern aufbewahren.
Ulei de Rapiță Sticlă 75cl

Ulei de Rapiță Sticlă 75cl

Depuis la récolte de notre propre ferme, nous produisons de l'huile de Colza en bouteille de 75cl.
Ton în Ulei de Măsline – Rio Mare 3 X 80g

Ton în Ulei de Măsline – Rio Mare 3 X 80g

Tuna In Olive Oil – Rio Mare 3 X 80g Volume:80g X 3 Cans
Ulei de măsline extravirgin 5 litri

Ulei de măsline extravirgin 5 litri

High quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil, cold pressed from Koroneiki variety in a 5-liter tin. Greek product.
Ulei de măsline extravirgin 0,50 L - Pedra Do Olival

Ulei de măsline extravirgin 0,50 L - Pedra Do Olival

Azeite virgem extra obtido da azeitona de tipo cobrançosa e verdial. Acidez muito baixo (< 0.3) Amergura e picante suaves.
Ulei de măsline 1L Gid - Condimente

Ulei de măsline 1L Gid - Condimente

Huile D'olive 1l Gid - Condiments